Behind The Fleeting Legend

I thought it to be fitting to have a separate space for my blog so I could vent, talk to you guys, or just talk to myself, rather. This is the side of my work where I don’t care if anyone reads it. This blog is for me. I want to be candid about my life, work, relationships, or what-have-you. At this moment, I need some sort of escape in this world. Some sort of positivity. The only thing I could think of at this moment was talking to people who have overcome obstacles. I want to help put their stories out to encourage someone else who wants to walk down similar paths.

I want to be honest about something. I have never seen myself work a conventional 9-5 job. I never wanted to be a part of the modern-day slavery that our capitalist society has forced us to be a part of. I don’t want to look forward to the weekends, and most importantly, I want to love my work. I love to write. I want this to one day be my job, but for some of us, we aren’t as lucky to have the internships, the free time, or the means to work for experience and volunteer in-between a full-time job. I created this website so I could work around my schedule, and no one else’s.

My goal at the end of the day is to create and inspire people to just fucking do it. Unapologetically. I think it’s easy to let people project their failed dreams and aspirations on others.

Anyways, this blog will be short and sweet because this is supposed to be an “introduction,” if you will. I hope you enjoy reading the stories of the Fleeting Legends, and I hope you enjoy reading my story as well.

-Daija Brown


Today’s The Day…