Today’s The Day…

After months of procrastinating and making excuses, I finally decided to hunker down and officially publish this website. Whoop whoop! Of course, there are some kinks I have to fix as I go. I am very new to this! However, in this moment, I feel very good about the direction this is going and I can’t wait to see where it takes me. We are in a weird time and I feel like maybe it would help to read something positive about our community we love. I can’t wait to hit the ground rolling, but first, I must find my first Fleeting Legend. I have some ideas, and hopefully the collective could help me along the way for more articles about our entrepreneurs in our community. This will be a short blog post for today. Thank you everyone for your support! I can’t wait to share my first Fleeting Legend! Stay tuned!

-Daija Brown


Ok, Love You Bye


Behind The Fleeting Legend