Jordan Danberry


The Gem Sports Club


“You are a gem, you are creative, you are enough, and you can do anything.”

-Jordan Danberry

This one is special. I got to interview Conway’s finest, Jordan Danberry in order to get further insight into her many ventures. She has founded a non-profit organization, basketball clinic, and sports clothing line that is still in the making.

Jordan Danberry is one of the few people I have looked up to throughout my life. From her character, poise, and her dedication to basketball, Jordan’s charisma can be seen on and off the court.

Seeing how basketball has transformed her life in different sectors can and will inspire anyone who’s come from a small city like Conway, AR.

This is why she’s the first Fleeting Legend.


From @gemsports on Instagram

On August 29th, I got to sit down with Jordan after she hosted her first annual basketball clinic in Conway, Arkansas. With the help of old teammates, mentors, and young talent that were closely connected to Jordan, she was able to easily organize the clinic.

About Gem Sports

I asked Jordan where she pinned the name, “Gem Sports,” and this is what she told me:

“I started a mentor program for middle schools in Starkville, Mississippi in 2019. I met a couple of people in Jackson called the Juanita Sims Doty Foundation. They had a program for boys called the ‘A-Team,’ and so I asked, ‘what do we have for girls?’ They told me they only had one program for girls. After that, I wanted to bring the program to Starkville for the girls I was mentoring. The boys were called ‘ambassadors’ and we called the girls ‘gems.’ At the beginning of each session, we started with affirmations and then discussed the topic for that day. I feel like there are gems in the gym, and everybody is a gem, and everyone can benefit from seeing positive affirmations on their shirt.

What do we have for girls?”
— Jordan Danberry

Accessibility of the Clinic

Before every solution, there is a question that was asked. Jordan saw an obstacle and found the solution head-on with the Gems Sports Club. She realized early on that there weren’t many affordable spaces for young girls in Conway for them to grow personally and skillfully.

She often wonders how many young talented players that go unknown or lose their passion because of the situation they are in. Jordan also understands that every child doesn’t come from the same background and that her clinic might be the only safe space for young gems.

Jordan also touched on focusing on the talent in Conway first. It is no secret that the girl's basketball program in Conway has made a huge turnaround in the past ten years, consistently producing athletes that will go on to play at the next level. However, there is still work to be done.

From @gemsports Instagram

From @gemsports Instagram

It Takes a Community

Jordan has taken it one step further to ensure that every gem has the same and equal opportunity to grow. She has started sponsorships in order for the gems to not miss out on the chance to excel.

(Information on how to donate will be below)

The Next Step…

One word. Expansion. Jordan not only wants to create an AAU team but also an exposure camp for gems in the community. With her experience being recruited by several D1 colleges and playing for one of the top women’s basketball programs in the nation, she is well-equipped to lead the gems in the right direction.

I also asked her about one-on-one sessions and she said that although she can’t do them as often because she lives in Mississippi, she does have a team that will assist her here in those sessions. She will be available for one-on-ones when she’s in town.

Jordan would also like to relaunch her sports clothing line in order to send positive messages out to the community.

On September 15, it was announced that Jordan joined the MBA Bobcats coaching staff in Mississippi.

If you want to donate to the Gem Sports Club, here is the information below.

Instagram: @thegemsports
